Saturday 22 March 2014

COP 2 - Practical: Starting to make significant changes to existing figures

Iron Man

It doesn't look like I did much to change this Marvel Legends 'modern armour' Iron Man, but I actually cut two versions of the figure together, as one had a well detailed face, and the other more yellow on the costume, but with one leg. So I replaced the legs, cut out his chest in half and replaced it with the other, before gluing six part of armour from the destroyed figure onto the chest of this one, in order to bulk out the body, I also added a pieces of armour to each of the biceps to fit them in with the body as he was starting to look like he was wearing some sort of vest. I did this because I thought he originally looked too much like a robot, and not enough a man in a suit. I also glued the mask to the top of his head as down it looked liked it had goat-teeth and was bugging me. This is my favourite figure so far and I am tremendously proud of my work, I think the fact that its so hard to tell what I have changed, and looking completely natural, if not better than the original gives me the impression that I am ready to go onto the next stage in creating my own customs by using several figures, and combining them into one.

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