Friday 15 May 2015

Potential Companies to Pitch to: RockStar

RockStar is the mastermind behind such successes as GTA and Red Dead Redemption. Their ability to represent a genre perfectly and create a fully explorable world that is filled with great characters and experiences is something to aspire too. Red Dead especially manages to fit everything you expect to be in a western into a brilliantly entertaining story. A world that you can get so involved with and completely obsess over is something I would defiantly want in  a game of my fictional world. I even think Red Dead Redemption is the thing that most inspired the West of our comic. I know intend to look into the companies that designed other games that inspired the building of our world. Unfortunately upon looking at their submissions of ideas link, it had this small notice:

"PLEASE NOTE: The Company welcomes input from the gaming community. However, any submissions to the Company of any nature whatsoever, whether through a posting on a Company website, email to the Company, mail, or any other means, becomes the sole and exclusive property of the Company, which shall have full right, title and interest thereto, including all copyrights(including the right to create a derivative work and the right of the original author in the exploitation of a derivative work), in all mediums now existing or hereafter created, and without any obligation to account, credit, or make any payment to the submitter for any use thereof. No purported reservation of rights incorporated in or accompanying any submission shall have any force or effect. By making a submission of any kind to the Company, you hereby agree to all of the foregoing." 

This makes me feel uneasy, and I think I will start out pitching to another company before pitch to 

Rockstar after this notice. I saw this at:

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