Thursday 15 May 2014

Flockers: Team 17

I was asked by a friend who worked at Team 17 to come in and do some game-testing for their new game 'Flockers' which is a puzzle game where you are meant to get the sheep from A to B keeping as many alive as you can, however there are traps, mazes and puzzles you have to get past in order to do this. They asked me to come in as they needed new people to test it, as they new all the answers and it still had to be de-bugged. We were sat in front of a computer, with a camera facing us, and told very little about the game. After completing each level they asked us to fill out a form, asking how hard it was, how much we enjoyed it, what our troubles were, how to improve it ect. We also had to sign a document saying we would not talk about the game to anyone for 2 weeks, when it would be released to the public. This was a great opportunity for me and I certainly made the most of it, being as talkative and helpful as I could. I was recently asked to come back, but unfortunately all the spots had been taken. I was paid £10 for coming in, although that was only really for travel.

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