Saturday 15 February 2014

Script by Callum Brown

I haven't written comedy before, so it was a hard idea to get down, I found myself telling a joke a few times, but by the last time I'd heard it I no longer found it amusing, comedy is by far the hardest story to write. So I decided to work myself into a giggle-fit, where I started to find the stupidest little things hilarious. I the then powered through a short story and read over it a few times, still liking the idea. I added a few more silly aspects to give the atmosphere I was after, it's still only the first draft, and it's easy to work around if we have difficulties, and is very adaptable, which is very helpful. I'm very happy with what I have created and intend to storyboard it with quick cuts and pans so the silly atmosphere and comedic feel is obvious in just the visuals. You can read my script below.

We see an aborigine duck-bill-platypus walking in the desert. 

VOICE OVER: This is Bill, Bill – platypus, but everyone calls him duck. 

Zoom up on his beak, and pan down to his feet. 

VOICE OVER: Because he likes bread.  But bill is soon going to have to put his detective skills to work. 

We see a ran-sacked village, the bread is gone. Bill’s eyes grow wide and images and flashes of the incident take place in his mind. 

VOICE OVER: Now you might not think Bill here looks like much of a detective. 

Bill pulls out a magnifying glass. 

VOICE OVER: but he is. 

He see’s footprints, he thinks of a T-rex, He’s see’s some grey fur. He thinks of a furry T-rex, he sees scratch marks, He thinks of a furry T-rex with long claws. 

VOICE OVER: Bills has mad detective skills. 

He follows the food trail, and footprints, the fur and scratch marks, the tension rises and we see close up shots of his beak as he sniffs out the trail. As Bill frantically scurries around desert. 

VOICE OVER: Platypus Bill’s skills are unmatched, his nose capable of catching the smallest scent, his 6th sense enables him to see what most can’t, his claws poisonous, he’s an absolute death machine. 

We pan out to see him going absolutely nowhere, in small circles if anything. Bill eventually goes behind a straw hut where lies a bandit racoon, scoffing his face. 

VOICE OVER: Bill finds his enemy, whom must be a shape-shifter of some kind. 

The raccoon stops when the platypus arrives, and looks up, embarrassed. Platypus Bill stands over him intimidating. The raccoon bandit offers some bread. 

VOICE OVER: This bandit should have known, Platypus Bill takes no bribes; no peace offering or mercy, there is only justice to be done. 

Cut to black, fade in, close up on the racoons face, he’s unconscious, as we pan out we see both characters laid against the hut beside each other unconscious, Bill with his arm around the bandit. As we pan away we see food around them and their bellies handing out. Drooling. Snoring. And belching. 

VOICE OVER: but Bill really likes bread.

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